Hobbies in India, That Can Make You Earn ₹ 50,000 to ₹ 200,000 per month

Here I am talking about those hobbies which you can make people learn. I am talking about those hobbies which have huge market demand in India and around the world. I am talking about those hobbies which people either learn to enjoy or learn to achieve their dream.

And there is a huge list of these type of hobbies like:

  • Private tutor
  • Playing any Musical Instruments (Guitar, Piano, Violin etc)   
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Yoga
  • Photography
  • Fitness expert
  • Travelling
  • Creative Writing
  • Computer programming skill
  • Any other computer knowledge like graphic designer
  • Etc

You might be thinking how can I earn ₹ 50,000 per month through my hobby? Is it really possible? Yes, it is possible if you are willing to teach.

By selling your online Live Class (OLC)

If anyone is interested in your hobby then with the help of technology, you can teach and share your expertise (i.e. your hobby), sitting anywhere in India or world. In return they will pay, and you can convert your hobby in to your earning source. It’s very simple right! There are already a huge population in Indian who are earning through their hobby. Teaching physically in classroom environment like teaching Guitar, Dancing, Singing, Photography etc. Where both the student and teacher need to meet physically to share the knowledge with in them. Now this an old format of teaching, but by selling online live class you can

  • Reach to more people
  • Expand your business anywhere in Indian and world
  • Don’t need to pay any rent for classroom
  • Don’t need any office or infrastructure or employee to run
  • Over all you can start the business without any investment ( except a Laptop or internet connection)

 Let me give you a small calculation, for this kind of OLC selling, where you give one class/per week, you can charge between 800 to 2000/per month, depending on in which city you are selling your class in India. Internationally the demand is very high where you can charge up to 50$ to 100$ per month. For the sake of calculation suppose you are charging 1000 per month and if you have 50 student which is very easy to achieve, then you can earn 50000/ per month very easily within 1-2 months from the start of your business. For big cities and international opportunities, you can do the calculation by your own. 

Now let me asked you few very important question “Did you ever notice now days, that how quickly a video goes viral or braking news spread within few minutes?”

We all know that these NEWS or videos goes viral through social media like FB, Wahtsapp, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter. According to a survey by https://www.statista.com/ , In 2018, 24 percent of India’s population (~ 31 corers) was accessing social networks. It was estimated that by 2023, this penetration of social networks would be 31 percent (~41 corers) of the country’s population.

What do you think, why these videos go viral?  For making these video viral how much money has been generated? How big these businesses are?According to a report by Indian Today in 2019 top ten viral video generate around 85 lakh corers of business in India.

 Now think about situation where you make a very interesting video about your expertise or hobby and within few minutes it goes viral in social media . Can you imagine what this video can do for you?

  • How much Students you can generate through this video?
  • How much demand about your skill can be generated by these video?

It can give you a huge opportunity to start and run a very profitable business.

Now let me tell you 5 super easy steps by which you can bring your hobby online and start selling OLC.

Step 1: Now you are already an expert in your hobby which you may be doing since form your child hood? But doing online business is completely different and you are new to it? So, first of all, create a mindset to learn about online business. You need to train yourself 3-4 months to know how to do this extremely profitable business with any investment.

Step 2: As you need to create your own video so think and brainstorm about some attractive and interesting concept on which you can make video. Give a clear message that you can teach people the same lesson, which you are demonstrating in video, if they are interested the can contact you and provide your phone number.

Step 3: Define your Business area, you need to do a good amount of audience research to find out your target business area. (Radius with which you want to do business)

Step 5: This is the most import step among all. You need to learn FB marketing for promoting your business. Which is also very easy. Because FB marketing is the cheapest among all social media marketing.  

Step 6: For OLC, you need to learn few free wire software which are only made for providing online live class.

Action item: Please comment and let me know what hobbies you have which can generate a business for you. If you are willing to know how you can achieve this the please click here.